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Are You A Chosen One?

The mountain is calling you. Will you answer?

Escape the madness and press the reset button.

We respect your privacy. Your information is 100% safe with us.

Last Call To Get Your Spot:


Join Us For 3 Glorious Days (And Nights) Of:

  • Mountain Magic

  • Energy Vortex Healing

  • Comfy Accomodations

  • Yoga w/ Sarah Sunshine

  • Oceanic Breathwork w/ Robin Houghton

  • Sound Healing & Ritual Dance w/ Rachel Jeanty

  • A Fear-Free Zone

  • Yummy, Nourishing Organic Meals Provided

  • Real Human Connections

  • Adventure, Fun, Play & Exploration

In a world gone mad...

You’re fed up.

You are done with feeling like a prisoner. Your mind is on overload. And if you have to spend one more day looking at faceless people you might just actually explode.

It’s time to head for the hills.

Or perhaps… THE MOUNTAIN.

She is majestic. She is epic. She is healing.

Mt. Shasta is a rare place known as a spiritual energy vortex. She brings people to her when they need her healing magic most. Maybe that’s why you are reading this right now.

Are you a chosen one?

If you’re ready to connect with the Earth, other beings and yourself in a radical way… FREELY, then this IS the place. Bring your badass self for a magical, empowering and joyous experience. You won’t leave here the same.

3 days of mountain magic, comfy lodging, nourishing organic foods, adventure, fun, play, exploration, a 1:1 empowerment session, Breathwork, Yoga, Ecstatic Dance under the stars, artistic expression, Human Design, Shadow Alchemy, Sound Healing, and more!

Doors close soon on this incredible experience and we have limited spots available. Book now so you don't miss out!

Dates: 5/14/21-5/16/21


If the last year has made you long for a sense of calm and normalcy, I invite you to come experience majestic Mt Shasta for a slice of paradise.

AUREA WOLF, Hostess for Detox In The Vortex

We Are The Masters Of Our Own Destiny. It's Time To Claim Yours.

We respect your privacy. Your information is 100% safe with us.

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